
Homeschool Chinese Characters 15

第 十 五 课 别 您 穿 洗 澡 自 己 电 爷 背 脸 作 收 拾 再 服 鞋 书包 衣 起

For Homeschool or self-taught practice of the Chinese Characters writing, there is a good grid online tool that is very easy to use: Click here to learn more: Homeschool characters to practice.
For Homeschool or self-taught practice of the Chinese Characters writing, there is a good grid online tool that is very easy to use:

Homeschool characters to practice:

Lesson 8
第 八 课 放 后 回 扫 地 桌 进 干 净 打 云 林 泥 土 种 门 见 回 这 爸 说 哥 家


Hanzi Grid

Practice all lesson starting from Lesson 1 now

Basic features:

  • Text content - supports traditional and simplified characters 
  • Repeated characters per row, or a single block of continuous text.
  • Cell size
  • Row and column spacing
  • Font size within the cell
  • Guidelines for each cell
  • Dimming levels for both characters and guides
  • Mixture of dimmed/non-dimmed characters
  • Page size/layout (A4/Letter, portrait/landscape).
  • Page headings

Just click a button and it all gets saved as a PDF file.

It's pretty simple to operate, just type in whatever characters you want (or leave that field blank), then adjust the various sliders so the grid has the size/layout you like. Then just click 'Generate PDF' to create a PDF file which you can download and then print out whenever you need to practice your handwriting.


NihaoHello is designed to meet the increasing demand for Mandarin Chinese language learning among the younger generation. We specialize in providing homeschooling and tutoring services specifically for English speakers, focusing on teaching essential yet practical Mandarin Chinese skills. Our program is geared towards beginner learners and is designed to provide immediate practical usage as soon as the global economy improves.

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