
French speaking Mandarin Putonghua

Many people have an initial resistance to learn Chinese Mandarin because they heard that it is a very difficult language. For those who has learn French or German would beg to differ.

This video shows how a French man who is not a native Chinese speaking Mandarin fluently. 朱力安 is his name.

Julien Gaudfroy

钢琴 =Piano
gāng qín

大提琴 = Cello
dà tí qín


NihaoHello is designed to meet the increasing demand for Mandarin Chinese language learning among the younger generation. We specialize in providing homeschooling and tutoring services specifically for English speakers, focusing on teaching essential yet practical Mandarin Chinese skills. Our program is geared towards beginner learners and is designed to provide immediate practical usage as soon as the global economy improves.

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