
Homeschooling Chinese with FortuneCookieMom

I am helping to review the Chinese ThemePack on 'Manners' Homeschooling materials prepared by FortuneCookieMom. So today I printed the ThemePack of 38 pages in color, it cost 12.80 Euros (as per A4 piece is 0.64 Euro cents)

For a start, my daughter Hedi is a 4-year old and she has recently started on Nursery 1 in an International school. This theme pack was tried with her on a normal after school day. Before she arrived home, I did build up some excitement about the 'New Card Game'.

She was very happy to try them. I introduced two new characters: Big 大 and Small 小
And I spoke to her totally in Mandarin (during this time). She was very receptive and began to repeat after me when I showed her briefly which is big and which is small. Then she had her turn to assign the big pictures into the 'Big' box, while the small pictures into the 'Small' box respectively.

For the greetings words, I gave her a preview of the words by saying for example: Good morning 早安,she repeats after me: 早安 and then I reinforce once again 早安. Then I moved on to the next ones. The entire set was well sequenced and she was happy to complete 'reading aloud' with me while looking at the colourful characters. Then I cut them for the 'Puzzle' segment. We also did the 'Shapes' segment with coloured whiteboard markers. I read out the shapes, for example, 椭圆形 for Oval, and she repeated the words 椭圆形. Then she said to me 'It's an Oval!' :)

She likes the colours segment very much. And she could relate with them as she knows the colours in Mandarin. As we read through it, she wants me to write with the whiteboard markers the characters and watched with envy.

I don't think she's comfortable to trace the shapes yet. She tried the triangle and there after, she said to me '我不知道‘。She meant she didn't know how to use the marker yet. She was in fact using Mandarin to give this feedback (which is very impressive).

Since she's not writing yet, she tried the counting for the first two sets of Math segments, but stopped and moved on to the next pages. For this I supposed it was 'too much' for her. She was like 'wow' at the Page with all the numbers 1-10 and I think she really like that it is very colourful!

We stopped for a while. And later she reverted to the arrangement of sizes from smallest to biggest, and she said to me that she wants to play with that. I said ok, and she was speaking by herself '这是小吗?' and continued with the arrangement of the sizes.

I did spent about 10 minutes to prepare (cutting/choosing the pages of) these materials and I think they're really good and effective! Truly Hedi enjoys working with it.

Here I enclosed the links where you can find more Chinese ThemePacks at FortuneCookieMom's TeachersPayTeachers storefront.

This entire digital product contains:
  • Matching Game
  • Penmanship practice sheet
  • Matching Activity
  • Word Puzzles
  • Sorting exercise
  • Vocab Clip Cards
  • Chinese Number Clip Cards
  • Puzzles
  • Color Matching
  • Shapes Tracing
  • Size Sorting
  • Writing Numbers
  • Size Sequencing
  • Patterns
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Coloring pages

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NihaoHello is designed to meet the increasing demand for Mandarin Chinese language learning among the younger generation. We specialize in providing homeschooling and tutoring services specifically for English speakers, focusing on teaching essential yet practical Mandarin Chinese skills. Our program is geared towards beginner learners and is designed to provide immediate practical usage as soon as the global economy improves.

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