Chinese numerals used in commercial or financial contexts is known as dàxiě (大写). These are found on official receipts (发票) or cheques where these characters used for writing numerals to prevent forgeries in the same way spelling numbers out in English would. A forger could easily change everyday characters 三十 (30) to 五千 (5000) by adding just a few strokes. That would not be possible when writing using the financial characters 叁拾 (30) and 伍仟 (5000).
Financial Pīnyīn
零 〇 0 líng
壹 一 1 yī
贰 二 2 èr
叁 三 3 sān
肆 四 4 sì
伍 五 5 wǔ
陆 六 6 liù
柒 七 7 qī
捌 八 8 bā
玖 九 9 jiǔ
拾 十 10 shí
佰 百 100 bǎi
仟 千 1,000 qiān
萬 万 10,000 wàn ten-thousand is 'yī wàn' NOT 'shí qiān'
億 亿 1,000,000 yì
NihaoHello is designed to meet the increasing demand for Mandarin Chinese language learning among the younger generation. We specialize in providing homeschooling and tutoring services specifically for English speakers, focusing on teaching essential yet practical Mandarin Chinese skills. Our program is geared towards beginner learners and is designed to provide immediate practical usage as soon as the global economy improves.
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At NihaoHello, we’re excited to help you learn Mandarin Chinese! We specialize in guiding English speakers like you to confidently speak essential Mandarin from day one. Whether you’re planning a trip or just curious about the language, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Let’s embark on this journey together and get you ready to use your new skills in a Mandarin-speaking area!
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