
Interesting Books, Writers, Titles related to Chinese people, race, society

Documentary (in Chinese voiceover) about 
中国剩女:一起来看看她们是如何被剩下的 literally translated: "China Leftover Women"

Book writers: Leta Hong Fincher

Leta Hong Fincher was a journalist before completing a PhD in Sociology at Beijing’s Tsinghua University. This book is based on her PhD project on the under-researched connections between leftover women, China’s property market, and gender inequality. Fincher has previously written articles discussing similar issues for the New York Times, CNN, and Ms. Magazine, through which these topics have already gained some popularity. With an abundance of interview quotes and contemporaneous media reports, this book is quite readable and has the potential to attract a wide audience.

''Leftover Women''
The book ends with profiles of other women who are committed to resisting sexism: female activists and bloggers dedicated to drawing attention to China's deep-seated male chauvinism, and politically neutral professionals who have vowed never to marry, in protest against the political and social oppression of women. "Marriage in China is a living hell," one woman told Hong Fincher. The international press – with headlines such as "China dominates list of female billionaires" and "Women in China: the sky's the limit" – trumpets the egalitarian opportunities that Chinese women enjoy. Leftover Women is a highly sobering corrective to this rosy picture, but also gives faint grounds for hope that the fight for gender equality in China is not yet dead.

剩女; shèngnǚ

leftover ladies

Leftover Women: The Resurgence of Gender Inequality in China (Asian Arguments) 

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