
Etymology of the Chinese Character of Pig 猪

“猪”是“豬”的异体字。者,既是声旁也是形旁,是“煮”的本字。豬,篆文=(豕,短尾肥豚)+(者,即“煮”,烹饪),表示烹煮必须的肥豚的油脂。古人发现猪肉较其他兽肉肥嫩,不仅容易提取油脂,而且用猪油煮菜,菜肴浓香可口。隶书“豬” 将篆文字形中的  改成 ,将篆文字形中的写成。俗体隶书“猪”用“犬”(捕猎)代替“豕”(豚),表示猎获后加以驯养的肥胖动物。造字本义:名词,作为古代食物油重要来源的肥豚,一种家畜,短尾短足,鼻子短凹平直,耳大下垂,好睡多肉,其肉多脂。古籍多以“猪”代替“豬”。

This is an interesting etymology of the Chinese character Pig in Chinese characters.
The person is both a voice and a form, and the word 'cooked煮' is in visible the first 篆文 of the pig character.

Pig, 篆文 = (豕 < short-tailed dolphins) + ("者, "cook", cooking), which means the fat of the fat dolphins necessary for cooking. 

The ancients found that pork is more tender than other animal meats, not only easy to extract oil, but also cooked with lard, the dishes are delicious and delicious. 

The Lishu隶书 "Pig" will be changed into the character form, and will be written in the shape of the character. 

The customary book "Pig" replaces "豕" (porpoise) with "dog犬" (hunting), indicating obese animals that are domesticated after hunting. The original meaning of the word: noun, as an important source of ancient food oil, fat porpoise, a kind of livestock, short tail short legs, short and concave nose, large ear drooping, good sleep, meaty and fat. 

Most of the ancient books replaced the "pig猪" with "pig豬".

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