
Cleaning the Apartment

 Here are some useful phrases related to cleaning the apartment in Chinese, along with their Pinyin pronunciation and English translation:

I need to clean the apartment.我需要打扫公寓。Wǒ xūyào dǎsǎo gōngyù.
Can you help me clean?你能帮我打扫吗?Nǐ néng bāng wǒ dǎsǎo ma?
The floor needs to be swept.地板需要扫一扫。Dìbǎn xūyào sǎo yī sǎo.
I am going to vacuum the carpet.我要去吸尘地毯。Wǒ yào qù xīchén dìtǎn.
Please wipe the windows.请擦窗户。Qǐng cā chuānghù.
The kitchen is very dirty.厨房很脏。Chúfáng hěn zāng.
I need to mop the floor.我需要拖地。Wǒ xūyào tuō dì.
Can you take out the trash?你能把垃圾带出去吗?Nǐ néng bǎ lājī dài chūqù ma?
The bathroom needs to be cleaned.浴室需要清洁。Yùshì xūyào qīngjié.
I will clean the kitchen later.我稍后会清理厨房。Wǒ shāo hòu huì qīnglǐ chúfáng.
Let's organize the living room.我们整理一下客厅吧。Wǒmen zhěnglǐ yīxià kètīng ba.
I need to dust the shelves.我需要给书架除尘。Wǒ xūyào gěi shūjià chú chén.

Here are the additional phrases related to being afraid of lizards and cockroaches, including their Chinese translation, Pinyin pronunciation, and English translation:

I am afraid of lizards.我害怕壁虎。Wǒ hàipà bìhǔ.
I am afraid of cockroaches.我害怕蟑螂。Wǒ hàipà zhāngláng.
Can you remove the lizard?你能把壁虎弄走吗?Nǐ néng bǎ bìhǔ nòng zǒu ma?
Can you get rid of the cockroaches?你能清除蟑螂吗?Nǐ néng qīngchú zhāngláng ma?
I am very scared of these insects.我非常害怕这些昆虫。Wǒ fēicháng hàipà zhèxiē kūnchóng.


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