
知足常乐 zhī zú cháng lè


知足常乐 (zhī zú cháng lè)


The Chinese proverb 知足常乐 (zhī zú cháng lè) translates to "Those who know contentment are always happy." It conveys the idea that understanding and appreciating what you have leads to lasting happiness. This phrase emphasizes the importance of being satisfied with one's current circumstances, rather than constantly seeking more.

Breakdown of the Phrase

  • 知足 (zhī zú): "To know contentment" or "to be satisfied with what one has."
    • 知 (zhī): To know
    • 足 (zú): Enough / sufficient
  • 常乐 (cháng lè): "Always happy."
    • 常 (cháng): Always / often
    • 乐 (lè): Happy / joyful

Context and Usage

This proverb is often used to encourage a mindset of gratitude and appreciation. It suggests that happiness is not found in the pursuit of more wealth, status, or possessions, but rather in recognising and valuing what one already possesses.

For example, someone might use this phrase to remind a friend who is feeling dissatisfied with their job to appreciate the stability and benefits they currently enjoy.

Examples in Sentences

  1. 生活中有很多美好的事物,我们应该知足常乐
    • In life, there are many wonderful things; we should know contentment and be happy.
  2. 他总是提醒自己知足常乐,这样才能享受生活。
    • He always reminds himself to be content so that he can enjoy life.


Consider your own life and think about areas where you might be seeking more. Reflect on what you already have that brings you joy. Practicing 知足常乐 can lead to a more fulfilling and peaceful existence.


The proverb 知足常乐 serves as a powerful reminder that true happiness often comes from within, through appreciation of what we have rather than longing for what we do not. Embracing this mindset can lead to greater satisfaction and joy in everyday life.

知足常乐 zhī zú cháng lè

Meaning: 知道满足,就总是快乐。形容安于已经得到的利益、地位。

Context: 知足常乐语出《老子-俭欲第四十六: “罪莫大于可欲,祸莫大于不知足; 咎莫大于欲得。故知足之足, 常足。”

意思是说 : 罪恶没有大过放纵欲望的了, 祸患没有大过不知满足的了;过失没有大过贪得无厌的了。所以知道满足的人, 永远是觉得快乐的。一个快乐主义者首先得有知足的修养,就是古训所谓‘知足常乐’。 王西彦《古屋》第一部


Antonym: 贪得无厌


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